
Oh, hello

OMGGG I'VE MISSED THIS BLOGGGG. I had no idea when the domain expired that the blog would just be down. So it's been down for two years and I had no flipping idea !! How... dumb of me. I had redirected my bookish posts to WordPress but I don't know, it just didn't feel right. I've always book blogged on Blogger and as much as I love WP, it just felt weird . Then I moved it to my mental health blog Places & Peonies but I'm thinking of revamping that blog also anyway. And I know I missed 2 years here but honestly, they were a really bad 2 years. I didn't read much of anything. And not only that... but just emotionally, mentally and spiritually it was such a bad time. I'm still not out of it but I'm doing better. I may come back to this blog just because I miss it so much and I'm trying to be better at reading. If you're still here, thank you. If you're new here, also thank you and hello!

Challenge • 2017 Reading Challenge

So since I epicly failed  last year's challenge... let's uh... try that again. This year I'm only aiming for 36 books which narrows it down to what... 3 books per month?  So far I've finished 1. I've got 2 more to go that I'm working on. This is the least amount of books I've ever aimed for but considering the rebuilding I'm doing to my life and the growth  I'm aiming for this year I figure this will be good for me to slow it down a little bit and aim a little lower. Next year I can go back to aiming for 50-60 books. How many books are you aiming to read this year?

Seasonal Challenge | October Challenge 2015

Every year I do an October challenge to get me in the spooky Halloween mood. I'm a little disappointed (a lot actually) that I'm so far behind on my GoodReads challenge. I know this year took a wild turn and I spent more time healing (though I'm sure it has more to do with time than anything)... still I coulda read a novella or something! The thing I love the most about this yearly challenge is that I have found a lot of my favorite series, authors and books while doing this challenge. I'm excited to see what book I fall in love with this year! The Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel by Melissa de la Cruz Storybound by Marissa Burt Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee Rooms by Lauren Oliver Unmade by Sarah Rees Brennan (*sobs*) Ticker by Lisa Mantchev Fiendish by Brenna Yovanoff The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters The Haunting of Sunshine Girl by Paige McKenzie The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey The Lost Girl by RL Stine Once Upon a Time b

Book Review | We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

I have not read anything by E. Lockhart before but I think I'm going to change that after this read. I'm usually not sold on stories like this but THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE was flawless . And I hardly ever call a book flawless! Have you read We Were Liars ? What did you think of the story? Of the characters? OF THE ENDING ? Are you still recovering like I am? Do you have any book suggestions that are similar to this read? I think I've formed an addiction.

Challenge • Debut Author Challenge 2015

Hai. I know it's been a really really long time since I last updated. Which is straight up crazy because I'm obviously still reading. I got a new camera for Christmas and I'm still trying to figure it out so.... but I think I'm just gonna roll with it and post up a new review soon while this dang book is still fresh in my mind. So I finally figured out who was hosting the DAC this year and it's ThatArtsyReaderGirl . It's like a new host every year so far! Anyway, this is my 5th year doing this challenge and I so wish I could post my previous lists but... they're on a private blog. Besides, 2015 is my year of rediscovery and starting over ! MY 2015 PICKS The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven The Law of Loving Others by Kate Axelrod Save Me by Jenny Elliot The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton When Reason Breaks by Cindy L. Rodriguez My Heart and Other Black Holes by J

Book Review | Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

Hello all! I know I haven't been updating this as much as I should had or had planned to and especially with the change of place. How do you like the new url, fancy right? So today I'm posting a video review I did for Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch! I haven't decided how I will do this just yet but some reviews will be in video format and others will be just simply written. A lot of books I get are ebooks so it's hard to actually show them for the review. Though I could always just slap the image on to the video... I'm still learning my way around Adobe Premier. Did you read this book? What did you think? Share you thoughts below!

It's Monday, what are you reading?

It's Monday, what are you reading?  Is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila over at  One Persons Journey Through a World of Books . This month is just flying by so quickly! Not to mention all the other things going on in my personal life. That doesn't leave very much time for completing my challenge as I had hoped. But like they say, you gotta make  time! Read Last Week Reading This Week So I'm making some pretty good progress with my Halloween Challenge, at least I'd like to think so! Haha. Of all the books I've read so far I think Suspicion was my favorite even if the ending was super freakin iffy and sort of made no sense at all. I actually finished The Vines this morning and while it was interesting in terms of the history I wasn't too impressed with the characters. I've been meaning to read Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea for awhile now and I keep putting it off so I figured now or never, basically. There are still a few books I was hoping t