
Hello all you wonderful people!

Welcome to  Readarella!

I know this is crazy, considering I already have a well established book blog floating around somewhere on the internet but I wanted to create a place much more relaxed. Which is probably not going to happen because I like strict structure but you know what? We'll figure it out. And plus I wanted a bookish blog that my real life friends can view since they've allllllll been asking. Even now that I'm sharing it no one really cares.

I won't just be focusing on books here but also things on publishing, TV shows, movies, music and anything media. I also run a lifestyle blog called Hazearella and a "writers" blog but I'm not sure if I want to share that just yet.


I usually read Young Adult and Middle Grade fiction. Anything from contemporary, paranormal, fantasy, I especially love retellings and books that deal with tough subjects.

I also read chick lit when I want something to make me feel good and erotica when I want to feel really good lol. I've been reading erotica since 1999, before it was cool. And I hate the term "mommy porn" like wtf is that?!


I'm a little bit more picky when it comes to movies. I don't usually normally like watching movies (I could be reading in that hour+!) but I tried to challenge myself in 2010 to watch at least one movie a week. Sad right?
I only watch feel-good movies usually. Chick Flicks, comedy, Rom-Com's, movies based off books or fairytales, fantasy, Disney movies... I think you get the drift. I don't like movies with violence or tough stuff (weird right? I'll read about tough stuff but I WILL NOT watch movies on it).


If you asked me ten years ago my music tastes would be this --- R&B, Hip Hop, Rap, Alternative, Slow Jams, Freestyle. I was a little picky when it came to music. I still love all those genres but I've expanded a lot since then. I'll listen to anything with a good beat, lyrics I can relate to or let's face it --- anything that's considered a "mind fuck" where they just repeat crap over and over for the sake of it getting stuck in your head.
For example ----

Me: I haaaate this song!
*one week later*
Me: Yeahhhh you know whut it is black and yellow black and yellowwwwww this my jam!!!

Me: This song is so stupid, wtf
*one week later*
Me: I just wanna see you strrrrriiiiip right nowwww damn you sexy! *does this weird dance where I'm obviously feelin myself*

*This really happened


I've always been a fan of the internet. In 1992 I tried making my own webpage. On Geocities. Through a Netscape browser. On a Macintosh (notice I didn't say "Mac" no, they were Macintosh back then). I don't even what to know what the dial up speed was back then. I just remember clicking "sign up" and waiting 2 hours for the next page to load. So serious. In 1999 I started blogging. I also started graphic designing with Microsoft Paint (I know, so hard core) then moved on to Paint Shop Pro 7 then in 2005 I finally got a copy of Photoshop 7. Which I still use today. Fahreal. I've been on various blogging sites/communities and various social media outlets. I was on MySpace when everyone was still all "YO FRIENDSTER IS WHERE IT'S AT!" I met one of my boyfriends through Findapix (and pretty much the rest of them on AOL). I joined Facebook when it was strictly college students only and I joined both Twitter and Tumblr before anyone I knew in real life had even heard of it.

So I'd say I'm a little addicted to social media. Just a little.

Before you ask, no. I don't make my layouts. I've stopped web/graphic designing though sometimes I wish I never stopped. I miss it, but I don't have time to learn the new coding and stuff. I'm a little bit against the idea of DreamWeaver... only because I'm a code-with-notepad sort of girl.


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